Sunday, September 13, 2009

I was experiencing this before today:)

LOL:) kinda random. but i just felt like posting this up ^^
What is PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome?
This is a condition that happens about two weeks before the start of your menses – unlike dysmenorrhea which happens during the start of your menses. PMS is more common in healthy, adult women. Days before their menses, women with PMS may experience the following:

* Mood swings. You may be more irritable than usual. The traffic can get on your nerves and the heat can make you snap. Little things can make you cry too.
* You need some time alone. Days before your menses, you may just want to have your own space. You may feel comfortable just staying inside your room for hours and won’t even mind passing off that invitation to a charming party.
* I’m bloated. You may feel fat, ugly and bloated just days before your menses. You may also feel some muscle pains and tenderness in your breasts.
* Cravings! You may crave for some food and avoid others. You may want to eat more sweets or something sour during this time.
* Poor concentration. You are clumsier and may feel more restless than usual.

umm it's pretty much true because i've been feeling like this for the whole week!
i dint do much revisions and im feeling really bad but theres nothing i can do
cuz my brain just feels lazy and tired all the time!):
gahh and really, i was having pms for the whole weeeeeeek):
lucky thing was; i only vented my moodswings on my brother (HAHAHA). :)
and i just told him abt this and he's like, how long's your period?
then i said, err, 7days later its ending (k i know its LONG) then he's like, k i shall not talk to you for 7 days. -.- my pms is overrrrrrr but my period is here. >:
kinda sucks. im gg out with my siblings tmr and i expect CRAMPS. i h8 cramps
shall get some pink pills tmrw!:) the ones that sm bought for me the other time finished!
took a long time (duh) hahahaha
k and i just found gregorygorgeous very cool. :)
and im going to bed now. CIAO! ^-^

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